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The Regularity of High-Frequency Words (sight Words): Teacher Phonetic Knowledge is Key

Miles, K.P. & Elde, D. & Butler, J. (2024)

Reading Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/02702711.2024.2379255​ (Link to Full Text)

Improving Vulnerable Populations’ Emergent
Reading Outcomes by Training Preservice Teachers
in an Evidence-Based Program

Miles, K.P. & Fletcher, A. (2023)

Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 37(3), 442-462​ (Link to Full Text)

Maximizing Access to Reading Intervention: Comparing Small Group and One-to-One Protocols of Reading Rescue

Miles, K.P., McFadden, K.E., Colenbrander, D., & Ehri, L.C. (2022)

Journal of Research in Reading 45(3), 299-323 (Link to Full Text)

To see or not to see: How does seeing
spellings support vocabulary learning?

Colenbrander, D., Miles, K.P., & Ricketts, J. (2019)

Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 50(4), 609-628 (Link to Full Text)

Orthographic mapping facilitates sight word memory and vocabulary learning.

Miles, K. P., & Ehri, L. C. (2019)

Reading development and difficulties: Bridging the gap between research and practice (pp. 63-82) (Link to Full Text)

Investigating writing performance and institutional 
supports among teacher candidates who transferred from community colleges.

Miles, K.P., Craigo, L., & Frey, S.G. (2018)

Higher Learning Research Communication, 8(2), 35-54  (Link to Full Text)

Associations between language and literacy skills 
and sight word learning for native and nonnative English-speaking kindergarteners.

Miles, K.P., McFadden, K.E., & Ehri, L. (2018)

Reading and Writing, 1-24 (Link to Full Text)

Reading Rescue: A follow-up on effectiveness of an intervention for struggling readers.

Miles, K.P., Lauterbach, M., Murano, D., & Dembeck, G.A. (2018)

Journal of Educational Research. 1-15 (Link to Full Text)

Informal reading inventories and autism: Is there 
something more than just the assessment.

Lauterbach, M. & Miles, K.P. (2018)

Good Practices in Autism, 19(1), 68-75 (Link to Full Text)

Rethinking sight words: The interaction between 
students’ phonics knowledge and words’ spelling regularity.

Miles, K.P., Rubin, G. & Frey, S.G. (2017)

The Reading Teacher, 71(6), 715-726 (Link to Full Text)

Learning to read words on flashcards: Effects of sentence contexts and word class in native and nonnative English-speaking kindergartners.

Miles, K.P. & Ehri, L. (2017)

Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 41, 103-113 (Link to Full Text)

Mnemonic value of orthography for vocabulary learning in monolinguals and language minority English-speaking college students.

Miles, K.P., Ehri, L., & Lauterbach, M. (2016)

Journal of College Reading and Learning, 46(2), 99-112 (Link to Full Text)

Mind the gap! Students’ use of exemplars and detailed rubrics as formative assessment.

Lipnevich, A. A., McCallen, L. N., Miles, K. P., & Smith, J. K. (2014)

Instructional Science, 42(4), 539-559 (Link to Full Text)

Opinion Publications

Children will need summer tutors to
make up for pandemic learning loss: One-on-one instruction can help them catch-up

Miles, K.P. & Meyer, D. (2021, March). The Hechinger Report.(Link to Full Text)

Misconceptions About Appropriate Literacy
Instruction for Young Children

Miles, K.P. (2015, Nov.). International Literacy Association: Literacy Now Blog post. (Link to Full Text)


Half of NYC students are behind in reading. Hundreds of CUNY tutors aim to change that.

Zimmerman, Alex (2022, Dec.). Chalkbeat.(Link to Full Text)

NYC wants to change the way students learn to read. Here’s how.

Zimmer, Amy & Johnson, Elena (2022, Aug.). Chalkbeat(Link to Full Text)

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